2011年2月11日 星期五


就是要敬重祂,不要隨便亂放,佛牌要戴在脖子上,不能放在比腰低的地方,不能放在不幹淨的地方,不能用腳踩,或者從上面走過,不能用腳對著佛牌,帶佛牌的 人,要避免對著別人的腳坐,夫妻睡覺時把佛牌放在床頭櫃上可以,不要放在枕頭下,(如果沒有發生夫妻關系,也可以放在枕頭下),不要從曬衣架走過,不管曬 衣架上有沒有曬著衣服,如果真的不可以避免,可以用手捂住佛牌,用心禱告,
夫妻洗澡的時候要拿下來,如果自己一個人洗,或則虧心事做多了怕鬼,也可以帶著洗澡,本人住酒店的時候,佛牌不離身睡覺洗澡佛不離身,去桑那在遊泳池泡澡 的時候,也不要戴佛牌,因為不幹淨,對佛牌不敬,電影上經常看到有人戴佛牌泡澡,那是不正確的,可以戴的不是佛牌,一般都是護身物,(什麼是護身物,下面 再跟大家說),上廁所時可以戴,沒有多大關系的 因為佛牌是戴在脖子上的,還有就是佛牌絕對不要裝在錢包,放在褲兜,屁股壓著,那對佛牌不敬,去醫院,清明上香,都可以戴佛牌,看了這些應該想到了些事 吧,那就是佛牌會經常拿下來,所以戴佛牌的鏈子要能容易解開,方便拿下佛牌,泰國戴佛牌的鏈子很不錯,如果在泰國請完佛牌別忘了買鏈子 普通的鏈子一般幾十塊到一兩百塊.

Is to respect him, not misplacing the amulet to wear around the neck, can not be placed lower than the waist where the place is not clean can not be placed, not stamped, or come from above, not feet facing the Buddha with Buddha who, to avoid sitting at another's feet, the couple go to bed at the time of Buddha on the bedside table can not be placed under the pillow (if no marital relations, but also can be placed on the pillow below), do not come from the drying racks, drying racks on whether there basking in the clothes, if you really do not avoid, you can hand over his amulets, prayer intentions,

When the couple bring down a shower, wash a person if they, or the good conscience to do more than ghosts, you can take a bath, I stay in a hotel when bathing Buddha Buddha leave the body leave the body to sleep, go to sauna in the pool Bath time, and do not wear the amulet, because they do not clean, irreverent brand of Buddha, the film often see people wearing amulets baths, it is not correct, you can not wear amulets, usually Body things, (what is Body material, the following talk to us that), can be worn on the toilet, there is not much relationship due to the amulet is worn around the neck, there is never installed in the Buddha purse, on the trouser pocket Crimping ass, and was disrespectful to Buddha, go to the hospital, Ching Ming incense, can wear amulets, saw some things they should think of it, that is, the amulet will always win, the amulet to wear the chain so to be able to easily unlock easy win amulet, Thai amulet to wear the chain is very good, if Buddha in Thailand, please do not forget to buy a complete chain of dozens of pieces of ordinary chain to a two hundred general.

