2011年3月20日 星期日


古曼童有隨身佩帶和供奉形的二種。泰國高僧製造古曼童的埋由是由於泰國很多地方十分貧窮,有些地區很落後,很多小孩還沒出生就已經去世,加上醫學不是很完善,所以很多小朋友在童年時就不幸枉死,他們的家人連安葬的金錢也沒有。那些枉死的小孩死後很可憐,無家可歸,還給外來的邪靈欺負,所以高僧們就把這些小朋友的靈魂製造成古曼童,為他們頌經做法事,收養他們,用佛法感化他們。所以供養古曼童的人,其實是給予他們一個溫暖的家,我們這裡的古曼童不是邪惡的, 不會像電影般恐怖,不需滴血或乾什麼恐怖事。他們隻小朋友,供養者如對待他們如同自己的兒女一般,給他們愛和家庭溫暖,他們是明白和感覺到的。所以供養古曼童的人,會得到他們的幫助,生活上方各面都會得到改善,財運和生活都會慢慢的好起來, 古曼童會利用他的靈力幫助主人達成心願,而當供養古曼童的朋友得到古曼的幫助後,就要為他們多做善事,例如捐錢給有需要的人,因為我們是只可以籍著這種方法來為他們做善事,積陰德。但是, 供養者如果利用古曼童來做壞事,他們必定會有惡報,因為泰國佛教是主張善有善報和因果循環的,利用古曼童做壞事一定會遭受報應。“古曼童”,別名為“招財童子”。相信很多人都覺得古曼童就是養小鬼,其實這是有點差距的所謂的養小鬼在泰文叫“痞”可以翻成鬼的意思,“摩痞”就是養鬼的人。古曼童最早的源由可以追述到坤平將軍的時代,當初坤平將軍是一個征戰各地的大將軍,也是一個人見人愛的美男子,所以妻妾成群,有一天,坤平將軍受命去攻打一個國家,剛好是坤平將軍某一個妻子的故鄉,在兩難中,這位妻室決定下毒害死坤平將軍以阻止他前去攻打自己的母國,結果被坤平機警發現陰謀後,憤而一刀殺死這個妻子,結果才發現妻子肚中已經懷胎多月,坤平將軍悔恨之餘將孩子頗腹取出,蔭成乾屍狀,隨身佩帶在身上,陪他南征北討,攻無不克。此外坤平將軍喜愛鬥雞,佩帶這個屍胎後也是戰無不勝。因此流傳下來這個傳說。目前泰國最有名的古曼童督造師傅是龍波懺師傅,但龍波懺師傅的古曼童已經非常難尋得一脈相承下來是龍波諜師傅,再來就是目前的龍波嚴師傅,應該很多人好奇為什麼師傅要開光古曼童?其中一個原因,在此跟大家分享,如有缺漏還請指正補缺!由於世間上有許多小朋友在還來不及出世前就已經被墮胎或是夭折,在佛理來說這些小朋友無法解脫去投胎的必須在人世間飄蕩,慈悲的師傅見到後,利用自修的法,將小朋友引進廟內,雕塑小朋友雕像讓小朋友暫留廟中,藉由師傅不斷的誦經迴向,將小朋友被墮胎的怨氣與業障消除後,就督造成古曼童給有緣人請供,透過師傅教給古曼童的法,包括招財、擋災、避險、顧家等等。可以幫助請供者在生意上或是運勢上順遂,而古曼童因為幫助請供者擋災避險、進而可以增加自己的功德,而請供者供養古曼也是一種功德、可謂冥陽兩利,供養古曼童需要供紅色的飲料與餅乾跟玩具,跟對一般小孩子一樣對祂越好,祂相對的也會非常幫助請供者,也有很多人問到,供養古曼童有什麼禁忌?會不會有不好的影響? !只要是正廟的古曼童,都是非常的安全乖巧,不會對請供者有任何不好的影響如何供養1. 飲料方面可準備牛奶、紅水、白開水各一杯,紅水台灣買不到可用果汁或橘子芬達代替,無法這麼大費周章的供養人每天至少供一杯牛奶。2. 食物方面可準備新鮮水果、甜點、飯菜,能夠每天準備其中一樣最好,皇帝不譴餓兵,不方便的人一星期最少也要準備一次。3. 供小朋友吃飯時要順便供香,什麼香都能供,非特別例外一次供一炷即可,沒事時也能供香,請記住,香比飯菜還重要。4. 供養人吃飯時要記得在心底默請您的小朋友跟你一起享用,但是不用多準備一副碗筷,你要準備我也不反對,反正禮多人不怪。5. 供養人要熟背咒語,咒語就如同小朋友的營養劑,有些咒語是專用的,有些是通用的,視情況而定。6. 只要供養人方便,任何一處乾淨的角落都能供養您的小朋友,不用擔心一定要弄個壇或什麼的。7. 心有靈犀一點通,請供養人把自己當傻瓜,多多和自己的小朋友說話,這個方法能幫助你培養與小朋友之間的默契。8. 尊重你的聖物,不要跨過你的聖物也不要把聖物當成奴隸,要記住,你們是共生共存的團體。9. 不管是古曼童或是鬼仔,他們與供養人的關係就是共修,這是一條很基本的供養觀念,所以供養人必須要妥善做好管理自己,自己的道德標準一旦提升了,靈性也會跟著提升,小朋友們當然也會跟著受益,正所謂「一人得道、雞犬升天」。10. 功德迴向不但是為了小朋友更是為供養人自己,供養人做經文迴向時須進退有度,否則只會弄巧成拙,要會念經就要先學會讀經,大部分的佛典經文都是敘事文,事先了解經文的內容這樣供養人才會明白什麼是進退有度,怎麼做迴向才是有意義的。11. 平時配戴在任何地方都可以,就是不要放在褲子的口袋。12. 不准餵血!這是一條鐵則,「餵血」之說是百分之百錯誤的方法與觀念。古曼童是受過佛教洗禮的正靈,絕不害人,所以只要意識純正,沒有害人之心,供養古曼童,不但不必害怕,反而會為你帶來益處無窮,信不信由你
 kunmantong has to wear worship carry two kinds of shape.  kunmantong Thai monks buried manufacturing is due by the very poor in many parts of Thailand, is very backward in some areas, many children not yet born has died, together with medicine is not perfect, so many children unfortunately caused the death of his childhood, and their family did not even buried the money. Caused the death of a child who died very poor, homeless, returned to the outside of evil spirits bully, so monks who put these children into the soul of the ancient manufacture of Man children, practice their chanting things, to adopt them, with the Buddhist influence them. kunmantong so dependent children who, in fact, is to give them a warm home, our children here in the  kunmantong is not evil, not like a movie-like horror, terror do not need blood or something. They only child, provider, such as to treat them as if they were children in general, give them love and warmth of a family, they understand and feel.  kunmantong of child support so people will get their help, the top of every aspect of life will be improved, wealth and life will slowly get better, the ancient Man Tong Huili with his spiritual power to help the owner be fulfilled, and when dependent ancient Man Man child's friends to help get old, it has to do more good things for them, for example, to donate money to needy people, because we are the only nationality in this way for them to do good, hidden virtue. However, if the use of  kunmantong dependent children who do bad things, they will be evil for as Thai Buddhism is advocating what goes around, and for a reason, children do bad things in ancient Man will suffer retribution." kunmantong child", alias "Lucky Boy."I believe many people feel that the ancient Man is raising little devil child, in fact, it is raised a little gap between the so-called kid in Thai called "Pi" can be translated into the meaning of ghosts, "Mount ruffian" who is raising a ghost. kunmantong Tong goes back to the first source is the general age level Kun, Kun Ping generals had fought over a great general, but also a cute and handsome man, so the queens, one day, the general ordered Kun Ping to attack a country, just a wife of a general Kun Ping's hometown, in the dilemma, the wife poisoned Kun Ping decided to stop his generals to attack their home countries to go, the results were found in plot Kun Ping alert after angry knife to kill the wife, the results only to find his wife has been pregnant belly for many months, Kun Ping General remorse rather than the child belly out, shade into a mummy-shaped, portable wear with me, with him often had mishaps, all attack grams.In addition, General Kun Ping loved cock fighting, wear the tires body is invincible. So the legend passed down.Currently, Thailand's most famous ancient construction in the Master Tong Man Lung wave Repentance is the master, but master of the ancient Long Man wave Repentance children have the same strain has been very hard to find down the Long Wave spy master, come serious is the current long wave master, should be a lot people wonder why the ancient masters to the opening Tong Man? One of the reasons to share this with you, also please correct me if gaps filled!Because there are many children in the world had a chance to have been born before the abortion or die, for the children in the Buddhist reincarnation can not be free to drift in this world must be, to see the compassion of the master, the use of self-taught method, the introduce children to the temple, sculptures children to enable children to temporarily stay in the temple statue, by constantly chanting back to the master, the children are the grievances of abortion and eliminate karma, the cause for the Governor to the tropical climate of Ancient Man, please for the children, through kunmantong teaches children master the law, including Lucky, block disaster, hedge, Gu and so on.Can help your business or for fortune in the last well, and for helping your child old Man who blocked for disaster hedge, in turn, can increase their own merit, and your support for the  kunmantong who is also a virtue, can be described as deep Yang benefits both children need support for the ancient Man drinks and biscuits with red toys, children with the same general better for him, his relative will be very help please donors, but also a lot of people asked, the dependent children of Ancient Man What is taboo? Will there be a bad influence? ! As long as children are the temple of the ancient Man, are very safe and well-behaved, not to please the donor have any bad effectHow to support1. Beverage can be prepared milk, red water, cup of boiled water, red water in Taiwan can not buy instead of juice or orange Fanta, not a dependent of such a big fuss for a glass of milk a day.2. Food can be prepared fresh fruit, dessert, food, to prepare them as best every day, the emperor is not contingent hungry soldiers, who is not convenient to prepare at least once a week.3. For when the children eat the way for the incense, incense can be for any non-special exception for a cone to the first, when nothing can be for Hong, remember that food is more important than incense.4. Support when eating in the hearts of silence to remember the children you enjoy with you, but do not get many a bowl and chopsticks, you should be prepared I will not object, anyway, politeness.5. Dependent people to memorize a spell, a spell like children's nutrition, and some spells are special, some are common, as the case may be.6. As long as the dependents convenient, clean, no one can provide for your children the corner, do not worry we must get hold of the altar or something.7. Minds think alike, please dependent person sees themselves as a fool, talking a lot and their children, this method can help you develop and understanding between children.8. Respect your sacred objects, sacred objects do not cross do not take your holy as a slave, remember that you are the symbiotic community.9. Whether or  kunmantong ghost children, the relationship between them and the donors are retreats, this is a very basic concept of support, so support must be good to manage themselves, their moral standards, once improved, will increase with the spiritual, of course, will follow the children benefit, is called "When a man, few kilometers from heaven."10. Merits be dedicated to not only to children but also to support themselves, dependent people to do the Scriptures to be retreat back to a degree, otherwise it will self-defeating to the Scriptures we must first learn to read by, most of the Buddhist Scriptures narrative text, prior knowledge of the contents of Scripture that people would understand what support there are degrees of advance and retreat, how to do it back to be meaningful.11. Peacetime can be worn anywhere, that is not on the pants pocket.12. Not allowed to feed the blood! This is an iron will, "Hey blood," said one hundred percent wrong methods and concepts.kunmantong baptism of kunmantong children have received the positive spirit of Buddhism, not harm, so long as the sense of pure, not harm anyone,  dependent children, not only do not fear, it will bring you endless benefits, believe it or not.

