2011年1月24日 星期一

拉胡 Rahu


拉胡 ( Rahu )


胡 吞月或食日是因為以下一個傳說。據說印度三大神明中的比釋奴提煉成給眾神人飲用的不死藥。拉胡知道了這個消息,就在比釋奴聚集眾神人準備讓他們服用的那 天,聰明的拉胡便化身成神人的模樣混入其中。正當比釋奴要讓它服用不死藥時,日神和月神看破了拉胡的喬裝打扮,並且立刻通報比釋奴。比釋奴知道後非常震 怒,並且將拉胡的身軀劈成兩段。



It originated from Hinduism. It was originally part of a Asura. In Mahayana Buddhism, it has also been called the "Lo Hou."

Hu month or swallow food because of the following day is a legend. It is said that the three major gods in Indian slaves than the release to the gods were refined into drinking the elixir. Rahul know the news, gathered on the slave than the interpretation of the gods who are prepared to allow them to take the day, Rahul will be the embodiment of the wise man of God looks like mixed into one. Just want to let it take over interpretation of slave elixirs, the Apollo and Luna saw through the disguise Rahul, and immediately notify the slaves than the release. Than the interpretation that was very angry slave and will split into two sections of Rahul's body.

However, Rahul has to drink a bit of the elixir of immortality has become the devil. It is because of hatred of God and the moon on the day before the exposed than the interpretation of slavery and the damage it has lost its lower body, so framing them all as bad people think and it often chasing Apollo and Luna. Once it caught one of them will swallow them.

This is a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse of the origin. It is because he has a strong power, so Rahul (Lo Hou) also known as the "eighth day of the black god."

